SEV Litovel, s.r.o.
Since 1999 the company SEV Litovel continues the tradition of turntable manufacturing of the company Tesla Litovel, later ETA.
From the beginning, SEV Litovel cooperates with Pro-Ject Audio Systems, whose turntables are designed and manufactured here, from middle class turntables to the highest class. Apart from Pro-Ject, we design and manufacture (or we did in the past) turntables for other companies like Music Hall, EAT, Block Audio, Thorens, Crosley, AVM, Kalista and many other.
SEV Litovel also makes for Pro-Ject limited edition turntables for different artists and bands like The Beatles, Metallica, Rolling Stones, Parov Stellar, Pink Floyd and other.
Including our own design, assembly and technology, our big advantage is almost complete self-sufficiency. In our detached factory in Červenka, we make most of the mechanical parts needed for assembly and the manufacturing of electric motors, electronic components and the final assembly of the turntables is located in Litovel.

ISO 9001 Certificate
SEV Litovel is certified to ISO 9001 quality management standards. The company has been certified since 2000.
EISA Awards
The Expert Imaging and Sound Association is the community of 58 technology magazines, websites and social media commentators from 29 countries, specialising in hi-fi, home theatre, photo and video, in-car and mobile electronics. Every year the EISA jury of experts rewards the best products in each class with a coveted EISA Award.
Námi vyráběné gramofony firmy Pro-Ject získávají toto ocenění pravidelně již mnoho let.
Projekt FVE - SEV Litovel, s.r.o.
Projekt FVE – SEV Litovel, s.r.o., registrační číslo CZ.31.3.0/0.0/0.0/22_001/0001636 je spolufinancován Evropskou Unií. Na tento projekt byla přidělena dotace Ministerstvem průmyslu a obchodu v rámci Národního plánu obnovy – přechod na čistší zdroje energie. Cílem je realizace fotovoltaické elektrárny o výkonu 228 kWp na dvou budovách výrobních hal. Díky tomuto projektu dojde ke snížení emisí a k úspoře el. energie a nákladů společnosti SEV Litovel, s.r.o.